Town of Rocanville

Public Complaints

Effective: October 16, 2024

Policy Statement:
This policy applies to complaints that are received from members of the general public, but does not address general enquiries, requests for services, feedback, matters that are legal in nature and handled by courts of law, complaints regarding outside boards/committees, or current investigations.
A formal complaint must be done in writing and filed by hand, mail, fax, or email; verbal or anonymous complaints will not be accepted.

- The complainant will fill out the complaint form, attached as Schedule A, in full; including contact details, the type of complaint and all details pertaining to the complaint, and sign and date.
- The Town Office staff will sign and date the form when received and number the form with the reference of year then numerical number; ex. 2024-01, 2024-02, 2025-01,etc
- The Administrator will assess the complaint to be something that can be handled within the Town Office or to be brought forward to Council for a resolution.
- If a resolution of the complaint cannot be reached within 30 days after the date of receipt, the Administrator will contact the complainant regarding progress, reason for delay, and/or estimated time to completion.
- All correspondence between the Town and complainant must be documented.
- Once a resolution is reached, the complainant will be notified via mail, email, or hand delivery that resolution. Once the resolution is communicated the complaint is deemed resolved/closed and the Administrator will file all documents pertaining to the complaint according the Town Records Retention Bylaw.

After a resolution regarding a complaint is made, the complainant only will have 30 days to appeal the resolution in writing. There is a non-refundable appeal fee of $50.00 which shall accompany the written appeal. The appeal will be forwarded to a third party individual or designated committee with all previous supporting documentation for examination.

Purpose: To establish guidelines and standards in handling, resolving, and following up on complaints made at the Town Office.


Complainant – the person who brings the complaint forward. Must be directly affected by the Town Services being complained about.

Complaint – Dissatisfaction or concern related to the Town of Rocanville programs, facilities, services, Town employee(s), procedures, bylaws, or policies.

Town of Rocanville

Contact Us


Box 265 - 103 Ellice Street, Rocanville, SK S0A 3L0

Call Us

Phone: 306-645-2022 - Fax: 306-645-4492

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