Town of Rocanville

Bylaw No. 2015 - 01

A Bylaw to Establish Property Tax Penalties and Rebates

The Council of the Town of Rocanville, in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:

  1. Due Date
    Property and other taxes imposed by the Town of Rocanville are deemed to be imposed on the first day of January in each year and shall be due on December 31 of the same year.
  2. Penalty on Arrears of Taxes
    1. Taxes which remain unpaid after December 31 of the year in which they are levied shall be subject to a penalty.
    2. The methods of calculating the penalty shall be:
      1. A simple rate of 20% shall be added on January l’s, applied to the total taxes that remain unpaid as at January 1 of the yew in which the penalty is being applied.
      2. A compound rate of 1% per month, added on the first day of February, March, April and May, applied to the total taxes and penalties that remain unpaid at the end of the month preceding the month in which the penalty is being applied.
    3. The penalty charges are to be added to and shall form part of the tax roll.
  3. Incentive Program to Encourage Payment of Arrears of Taxes
    1. A rebate shall be allowed with respect to the payment of tax arrears and penalties.
    2. Where a person pays less than the total amount of arrears and penalties, the rebate shall be apportioned.
    3. Payments toward tax arrears, made during the month of January, shall be eligible for a 30% penalty rebate.
  4. Education Property Taxes
    Section 3 does not apply to property taxes levied on behalf of a school division.
  5. Repeal Previous Incentive and/or Penalty Programs 
    Bylaw 2013- 10 is hereby repealed.
  6. Coming Into Force
    This bylaw shall come into force on December 31, 2014.

Daryl Fingas

Monica M. Merkosky

Sections 272, 279 and 280 of The Municipalities Act

Town of Rocanville

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Box 265 - 103 Ellice Street, Rocanville, SK S0A 3L0

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Phone: 306-645-2022 - Fax: 306-645-4492

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